Our Leadership

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” – Proverbs 28:19


Bishop & Sis. Covill

Bishop Floyd Covill is the founding pastor of Regina New Life Tabernacle and currently pastors New Life Tabernacle UPC in Preeceville and Yorkton, Saskatchewan. He was born in North Augusta, Ontario and moved to Regina in 1975 where he was an assistant to the pastor before founding the church in Preeceville and then in 1987, Regina New Life Tabernacle. Bishop Covill’s heartbeat is souls – “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:38. He has served in many district capacities including Global Missions Director, North American Missions, Presbyter, and District Superintendent. He and his wife, Diana, have five children, and several grandchildren.


Pastor & Sis. Covill

Pastor Covill assumed the pastorate of Regina New Life Tabernacle in 2008. Our Pastor has served in various capacities with the Canadian Plains District including Sectional Presbyter, Men’s Ministry Director, and Global Missions Director. He and his wife, Nadine, have three children, and one grandchild.